Today I will show you how to use RadialGradient.
The RadialGradient starts from the origin and spreads outward with an ellipse.
The gradient consists of an ellipse and a color group.
The ellipse is for controlling the position and shape of the gradient.
The color group is for controlling the color changes.
First, create a Text to show the effect of the gradient.
Set the font size of the Text to 36.
Set the padding of the Text.
Set Text's foregroundColor to white.
Finally, add a background to the Text. RadialGradient will be placed in brackets.
Create a RadialGradient.
Set the starting color of RadialGradient to yellow, the middle color to green, and the end color to blue.
Set the center point of the gradient to the center of the Text.
Set startRadius to 0
Set endRadius to 50
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("SwiftUI Gradient!")
.font(.system(size: 36))
RadialGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [.yellow, .green, .blue]),
center: .init(x: 0.5, y: 0.5),
startRadius: CGFloat(0),
endRadius: CGFloat(50))

Modify the value of endRadius to 150, and the gradient range will become more extensive.

Modify the value of startRadius to 50, and the yellow area in the center will become larger.

Move the center point of RadialGradient to the upper left corner of the Text.

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